TSA Guidelines For Delta Precheck


TSA Precheck, short for Transportation Security Administration Precheck , is a trusted traveller program designed to expedite passenger security screening at airports across the United States. This program, available for Delta Airlines passengers, often called Delta precheck, offers a range of benefits, making travel more efficient and enjoyable.

TSA Precheck was launched in October 2011 to respond to the increasing demands of air travel and the need for enhanced security measures. The program was initially introduced at a limited number of airports but has since expanded to over 200 airports nationwide, including those served by Delta Airlines.

How to add TSA precheck to Delta Airlines flight reservations?

Delta Precheck for TSA is a program that allows eligible passengers to enjoy expedited security screening procedures at airports across the United States. This service is designed to make your travel experience more efficient and less stressful. Here's a brief overview of the procedure to enroll in Delta Precheck for TSA:

  • Pre-Enrollment: The first step in obtaining Delta Precheck for TSA is to pre-enroll. You can start the process by visiting the TSA Precheck website and completing the online application. During this step, you must provide personal information, such as your name, date of birth, and contact details.
  • In-Person Appointment: After completing the online application, schedule an in-person appointment at a TSA Precheck enrollment center to add TSA Precheck to Delta Airlines. These centers are located at various airports and other convenient locations. You must bring certain documents, including proof of identity and citizenship, during your appointment.
  • Background Check: At the enrollment center, you'll undergo a background check involving fingerprinting and verifying your identity. This step is crucial to ensure the safety and security of the program.
  • Known Traveler Number (KTN): Once you complete the application process and background check, you will be assigned a Known Traveler Number (KTN). This unique number is valid for five years and is used to identify you as a TSA Precheck-eligible passenger.0
  • Use Your KTN: With your KTN in hand, you can now enjoy the benefits of Delta Precheck for TSA. When booking your flights with Delta Airlines, simply add KTN to Delta Airlines website in the designated field. This ensures that you are recognized as a TSA Precheck member and receive expedited security screening.

Delta Precheck for TSA offers several advantages, including shorter security lines, keeping your shoes and light jackets on, and reduced stress while navigating airport security. It's a valuable program for frequent flyers and anyone who is looking to simplify their travel experience. With a straightforward enrollment process, Delta Precheck for TSA makes your journey through the airport faster and more convenient, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip.

Features and Benefits of Delta Precheck for TSA

Delta Airlines TSA precheck isn't just about speeding up the security screening process; it also offers passengers a range of features and benefits that enhance their entire travel experience, from when they arrive at the airport to when they reach their destination.


i) Airport Features

  1. Expedited Security Screening: The hallmark feature of Delta Precheck is the expedited security screening process. Passengers with Precheck can use dedicated lanes, typically shorter and faster-moving than regular security lines. You can keep your shoes, belts, and light jackets on and leave laptops and compliant liquids in your carry-on bags, making the process swift and hassle-free.
  2. Reduced Stress: Shorter security lines and simplified procedures significantly reduce stress and anxiety associated with air travel with the help of TSA precheck on Delta Airlines. Passengers can arrive at the airport with more confidence, knowing they won't face long wait times or the need for extensive unpacking and repacking at the security checkpoint.
  3. Convenience: The convenience of Delta Precheck extends to other parts of the airport experience. Many airports have Delta baggage policy to precheck lanes at drop-off and boarding gate, allowing you to move through the airport with ease and minimal disruption.
  4. Access to Lounge Facilities: Some credit cards and loyalty programs affiliated with Delta Airlines offer lounge access to Precheck members. This means relaxing in comfortable airport lounges, enjoying complimentary refreshments, and accessing Wi-Fi services before your flight.

i) In-Flight Features

  1. Priority Boarding: Delta Precheck members often enjoy priority boarding, allowing them to get settled in their seats sooner and avoid the rush and congestion of general boarding with the help of Delta Precheck.
  2. Overhead Bin Space: Early boarding ensures Precheck passengers have ample overhead bin space for their carry-on items, reducing the need to gate-check luggage.
  3. Streamlined Check-In: When checking in for your flight, your Delta Precheck status is recognized, simplifying the process and reducing wait times at the check-in counter.

Delta Precheck for TSA goes beyond just speeding up the security screening process. It offers a comprehensive set of features that improve your entire travel journey. From stress reduction at the airport to priority boarding and enhanced in-flight services, Precheck ensures that your time spent on the ground and in the air is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Consider enrolling in Delta Precheck to make your travels more convenient and stress-free.

Can I add TSA Precheck to an Existing Reservation?

You can add Delta Precheck for TSA to an existing reservation, but the process may require a few extra steps. Delta Airlines allows travelers to update their reservations to include TSA Precheck, even after the initial booking. Here's how you can add TSA Precheck to an existing Delta Airlines reservation:

  1. Retrieve Your Reservation: Begin by locating your existing Delta Airlines reservation. You can do this by visiting the Delta Airlines website and logging in to your account. Alternatively, you can call Delta's customer service for assistance.
  2. Check Eligibility: Ensure that you are eligible for TSA Precheck. To be eligible, you must have already been approved for TSA Precheck and received your Known Traveler Number (KTN) through the TSA Precheck enrollment process.
  3. Contact Delta Airlines: Contact Delta Airlines' customer service by phone or through their website's chat feature. Inform them that you want to add KTN to Delta reservation.
  4. Provide Your KTN: Delta Airlines will ask you to provide your KTN, a unique number associated with your TSA Precheck status. Once you give this number, they will update your reservation to reflect your TSA Precheck eligibility.
  5. Confirmation: After adding your KTN to your reservation, Delta Airlines will confirm the change and provide you with a new boarding pass that indicates your TSA Precheck status. Keep this updated boarding pass with you when you go to the airport.
  6. At the Airport: On the day of your flight, present your updated boarding pass with the TSA Precheck logo at the airport security checkpoint. This will grant you access to the dedicated TSA Precheck lanes to enjoy expedited security screening.

Delta Airlines add TSA precheck to enhance your travel experience by allowing you to enjoy expedited security screening, shorter lines, and a more convenient airport journey. Whether you're a frequent flyer or just looking to streamline your travel, adding TSA Precheck to your reservation is a wise choice.

How to add TSA Precheck to Delta after checking in?

Adding TSA Precheck to your Delta Airlines reservation after checking in is possible. Still, it involves a few steps to ensure you can enjoy expedited security screening on the day of your flight. Here's a guide on how to add TSA Precheck to your Delta Airlines reservation after you've already checked in:

  1. Confirm TSA Precheck Eligibility: First, verify your eligibility for TSA Precheck. You should have completed the TSA Precheck application process, undergone a background check, and received a Known Traveler Number (KTN). With a KTN, you can add TSA Precheck to your reservation.
  2. Contact Delta Airlines Customer Service: To add TSA precheck to Delta reservation, you must contact Delta Airlines' customer service. You have several options for reaching them:
  3. Phone: Call Delta's customer service hotline. Be prepared to provide your reservation details, including your booking reference number or ticket number.
  4. Online Chat: Some airlines offer online chat support through their website. Check Delta's website for this option and initiate a chat session.
  5. Social Media: Some airlines offer customer service support through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
  6. Provide Your KTN: When contacting Delta Airlines' customer service, inform them that you want to add your TSA Precheck Known Traveler Number (KTN) to your reservation. Be ready to provide your KTN when requested.
  7. Check for Confirmation: After you've provided your KTN, the Delta Airlines representative should confirm that TSA Precheck has been added to your reservation. They may send you an updated boarding pass reflecting your TSA Precheck status.
  8. Receive an Updated Boarding Pass: The airlines will typically issue a new boarding pass if your reservation has been successfully updated with TSA precheck on Delta Airlines. Check your email for this updated boarding pass, or ask the representative how you will receive it. The updated boarding pass should indicate your TSA Precheck eligibility with a TSA Precheck logo.
  9. Print or Save Your Updated Boarding Pass: It's essential to have your updated boarding pass with the TSA Precheck indicator when you arrive at the airport. You can either print it out or save it on your mobile device.
  10. Arrive Early at the Airport: On the day of your flight, arrive with enough time before your departure to go through security. TSA Precheck lanes are usually well-marked and separate from regular security lines. Present your TSA Precheck-eligible boarding pass and identification at the TSA Precheck security checkpoint.

Adding Delta Precheck to your reservation after checking in is a convenient way to enjoy expedited security screening and a smoother airport experience. However, it's important to note that the ability to add TSA Precheck after check-in may vary based on the airline's policies and procedures, so it's advisable to contact Delta Airlines customer service as soon as possible to ensure a seamless process.

How do you troubleshoot Delta Airlines Boarding Pass for Precheck?

i) Is Delta TSA precheck not showing up?

If your TSA Precheck is not showing up on your Delta Airlines reservation, you should take the following steps to ensure you can enjoy the benefits of expedited security screening:

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Check whether you are eligible for TSA Precheck. You should have completed the TSA Precheck application procedure, been subjected to a background check, and been assigned a Known Traveler Number (KTN). You cannot use TSA Precheck if you do not have a KTN.
  2. Reach to Delta Airlines: Contact Delta Airlines' customer support right now. You can contact them via phone, online chat, or social media. Explain the circumstance and, if you have one, offer your KTN.
  3. Obtain Assistance: Request assistance from a Delta Airlines person in adding your TSA Precheck information to your reservation. Please be patient and submit all required information, including your booking reference or ticket number.
  4. Printed or saved boarding pass: When you arrive at the airport, ensure you have your updated boarding pass, and Delta add tsa precheck signal. You can print it or save it to your mobile device.
  5. Arrive at the airport early: Arrive at the airport with enough time to get through security on your trip day. Look for the TSA Precheck lanes, then produce your TSA Precheck-eligible boarding pass and identification to receive expedited security screening.

Remember that adding TSA Precheck to your Delta Airlines reservation may take some time, so it's advisable to contact the airline before your travel date to ensure a smooth experience at the airport.

ii) TSA precheck not showing on boarding pass?

If your TSA Precheck is not showing on your boarding pass, it can be a frustrating experience, but there are steps you can take to resolve the issue and still enjoy expedited security screening:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure that you are still eligible for TSA Precheck. Verify that you have completed the TSA Precheck application process, undergone a successful background check, and received a Known Traveler Number (KTN). With a valid KTN, you can access TSA Precheck benefits.
  2. Review Your Reservation: Double-check your flight reservation details to confirm that you entered your KTN correctly during the booking process. If there is an error, contact the airline to update your information.
  3. Contact the Airline: Reach out to the airline's customer service well before your flight. You can contact them via phone, online chat (if available), or social media. Explain the situation and provide your KTN, ensuring they have it on record. Request assistance to add KTN to Delta to your boarding pass.
  4. Arrive Early: On the day of your flight, arrive at the airport earlier than usual to allow time to resolve the issue. Even if your boarding pass does not initially display TSA Precheck, there may be an opportunity to address the situation in person.
  5. Visit the TSA Enrollment Center: If you arrive at the airport and still need TSA Precheck on your boarding pass, visit the TSA Precheck enrollment center, if available at your airport. The agents there can verify your eligibility and may be able to provide you with a temporary boarding pass indicating your TSA Precheck status.
  6. Speak to Airport Staff: If all else fails, approach the airline's staff at the airport, such as at the Delta airlines check-in counter or gate. Explain the situation and provide documentation for your KTN and any Delta precheck. They can assist you in resolving the issue and ensuring you receive expedited security screening.

While addressing the issue before your flight is essential, it's equally important to remain patient and polite when dealing with airline and airport staff. Mistakes can happen, but with the proper documentation and assistance, you should still be able to enjoy the benefits of TSA Precheck on your journey.

How do you contact Delta Airlines customer service for help with Delta Precheck?

Contacting Delta Airlines customer service to inquire about or seek assistance with Delta Precheck is crucial if you encounter any issues or have questions about the program. Delta Airlines offers various methods for reaching their customer service team for Delta add tsa precheck, ensuring you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Here, we'll discuss several ways to contact Delta Airlines customer service:


i) Phone Customer Service

  • Main Customer Service Line: Delta Airlines' primary customer service phone number is 1-800-221-1212 (available 24/7). This number can be used for general inquiries related to Delta Precheck.
  • Special Assistance: If you need assistance related to disabilities or special services, such as wheelchair assistance, you can call 1-404-209-3434 (within the United States) or visit the Delta website for international contact numbers.

Remember that adding TSA Precheck to your Delta Airlines reservation may take some time, so it's advisable to contact the airline before your travel date to ensure a smooth experience at the airport.

ii) Online Chat

Delta Airlines provides an online chat option on its website. Here's how to access it:

  • Visit the Delta Airlines official website (https://www.delta.com/).
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the "Contact Us" or "Need Help" section.
  • Click the "Chat with us" or a similar button to initiate a chat session with a Delta representative.
  • You can use online chat for various inquiries, including questions about Delta Precheck.

iii) Social Media

Delta Airlines maintains a presence on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can contact them directly or tag them in posts for any issue with the Delta TSA precheck not showing up. Social media can effectively get quick responses, especially for general inquiries or minor issues.

iv) Email

Delta Airlines does not provide a dedicated email address for customer service inquiries. However, you can submit feedback and questions through their website's contact form. To use this method:

  • Visit the Delta Airlines official website.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the "Contact Us" or "Need Help" section.
  • Click the "Send us an email" or similar link to access the contact form.

v) Delta Mobile App

If you have the Delta mobile app installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can access various customer service features, including messaging with a representative and to add KTN to Delta. Here's how:

  • Open the Delta mobile app.
  • Tap the "More" menu (usually represented by three horizontal lines).
  • Select "Help & Support."
  • Choose the appropriate category for your inquiry, such as "Booking & Reservations" or "Security & Privacy."
  • Tap "Contact Us" or a similar option to initiate a message with Delta's support team.

v) Airport Customer Service

Suppose you are at the airport and require immediate assistance with your Delta Precheck or other travel-related issues. In that case, you can visit the Delta Airlines customer service desk or check-in counter. Delta staff at the airport are well-equipped to address various concerns and can assist with Delta Precheck-related matters.

vi) Delta Sky Clubs

If you are a member of the Delta Sky Club, you can visit one of the club locations within the airport. Delta Sky Club staff can often assist with travel-related inquiries, including those related to Delta Precheck.

Delta Airlines is committed to providing excellent customer service, and they offer multiple avenues for passengers to get the help they need, including inquiries related to the convenient Delta Precheck program.

Final Thoughts

Facing an issue with your Delta Airlines Precheck? We’ve got you covered. Airlines Help Desk provides dedicated, trained, and professional service to any need you might face when dealing with Delta Airlines Precheck procedure. Simply contact us using our support number at +1-855-738-4315 and we will take care of any issue you might face!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for Delta Precheck for TSA?

Eligibility for Delta Precheck for TSA is extended to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and lawful permanent residents who have completed the TSA Precheck application process, passed a background check, and received a Known Traveler Number (KTN).

To apply for TSA Precheck with Delta Airlines, visit the TSA Precheck website (https://www.tsa.gov/precheck) to complete the online application. After approval and receipt of a Known Traveler Number (KTN), add the KTN to your Delta Airlines reservations during the booking process or contact Delta customer service for assistance.


Children 12 and under typically do not need their TSA Precheck membership. They can use the Delta Precheck lanes when traveling with eligible parents or guardians with TSA Precheck, allowing for expedited security screening.

TSA Precheck, including Delta Precheck, primarily applies to domestic flights within the United States. While some international airlines and airports offer expedited security for TSA Precheck members, its usage for international flights may be limited, and passengers often undergo separate international security procedures.

Posted in Do & Don'ts